The Rainbow Parade by Emily Neilson
The Rainbow Parade is the story of a girl, Emily, and her lesbian “mothers” taking her to a Gay Pride parade, based on the author’s childhood growing up in a lesbian household. While I cannot get behind the growing consensus in favor of supporting homosexuality, I have tried to focus less on the “Two Mommies” literature in the libraries in favor of those that promote the more dangerous and immediate threats of transgenderism and the promotion of child sexuality. I think this falls into the latter category, even though it is also very literally a part of the “Two Mommies” genre.
Pride parades are inherently sexual. They are a celebration of a group of sexual practices, and “Kidz Zones” or “family-friendly atmospheres” don’t really change that. The Rainbow Parade’s author Emily Neilson hints at some of the issues of kids at these parades with the below illustration and, “Everyone is wearing whatever makes them feel most like themselves. Even if that means wearing hardly anything at all.” Why is a local library encouraging parents and children aged two to five to attend an event with sexualized nudity?
Even though Pride parades are sexual in content, they are often political in ambition. The Rainbow Parade includes several images of more political aspects of the parade, including one participant carrying a “SILENCE = DEATH” sign with other participants lying on the ground pretending to be dead. This activism is intended to guilt people—like me—who do not accept the doctrines of the LGBTQ ideology into adopting them out of fear of causing another’s suicide. Even beyond that, they are implying that anyone who isn’t an activist contributes to these deaths, even those who may support the LGBTQ movement. It’s been quite successful, since many people want to be—or be seen as—good people. This is how these books end up in libraries.
The girl in the book understandably seems nervous to join in the pride parade, but one of her mothers says “Sometimes finding your pride takes a little practice.” This is the main message of the book, and even though it seems nonsensical at first glance, I think it means that you have to work to find your authentic (LGBTQ, most likely) self. Rather than allowing children to be comfortable in their bodies while working to cultivate virtue and beauty and knowledge, the radical gender theorists encourage them to look only to their own feelings for confirmation. Wear whatever makes you feel like yourself, even if you’re a leather-clad adult parading almost naked in front of little children. Worship yourself, exalt yourself.
It hides the catchizing effect Pride parades, LGBTQ literature, mainstream entertainment, public school curricula, and peer influence have. Rather than the child actually finding an authentic version of herself, she ends up repeating the mantras of the movement like everyone else.
LGBTQ activism teaches children to bow down to the altar of the idol they have created of their own selves. It’s not really a hidden thing. The Pride parades are called Pride parades, not Gay Parades. By giving children a book like this about Pride parades, the library is exposing children to a sexualized culture and training them in a lifestyle of selfishness.
“Professing to be wise, they became fools, and exchanged the glory of the incorruptible God for an image in the likeness of corruptible man and of birds and four-footed animals and crawling creatures. Therefore God gave them over in the lusts of their hearts to impurity, so that their bodies would be dishonored among them. For they exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen.”1
Romans 1:22-25 (LSB)